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Guyana rightly deserves its reputation as one of the top birding and wildlife destinations in South America. Guyana is a small English speaking South American Country residing on the Atlantic Coast, east of Venezuela and west of Suriname. Our pristine habitats stretch from the protected Shell Beach and Mangrove forest along the northern coast across the vast untouched rainforest to the wide open savannah of the Rupununi in the south. Guyana hosts more than 850 different species of birds covering over 70 bird families and over 45 must see Guianan Shield endemic species that is more easy to see here than any other Country in South America.


Endangered Red Siskin © Jonathan de Groot (@ Buctuh on Instagram)


These species range from the outrageous and stunning Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock, Harpy Eagle, Rufous-throated, White-plumed and Wing-barred Antbird, Capuchinbird, Gray-winged Trumpeter and the Rufous winged-ground Cuckoo. Blood-colored Woodpecker, Rufous Crab-Hawk, Guianan Red-Cotinga, White-winged Potoo, Black Curassow, Sun Parakeet, Red Siskin, Rio-Branco Antbird, and the Dusky Purpletuft are just some of many birding highlights that can be seen in this amazing Country.


Tour Information


2024 Departure

Guyana-Red Siskin Tour 2024 9th Oct 2024 – 22th Oct 2024 (14 days)

Tour Price with (4 clients): US$ 6,074 Per person sharing in twin or double Accommodation

 4 space Available

Single Supplement is subject to Availability US$ 350 

This tour is open for booking.


Max Tour Size

4 Tourist with 1 tour leader Leon Moore and local tour guides at the lodges.


What’s included

What’s includes on the Tour

All other meals are included; from dinner on Day 1, 9th Oct,  to Dinner on day 13, 21st Oct.

* All bottled drinking water during the tour

*All lodging during the tour.

* All Activities as mentioned in the itinerary.

* All ground transfer in between lodges, pick up and drop off at international Airport, all transfers for birding in Georgetown, scheduled internal flights.

* All national park and other services entrance fees., Iwokrama forest entrance fee, Surama village fee, and Karasabai Village fee, Conservation fees for Red Siskin and conservation fee for Rio-branco Antbird and Hoary-throated Spinetail tour.

* All guiding services.

* All lodging at the lodges and hotel in Georgetown


What’s not included

I’ve decided not to include any cost for meals on your departure day, day 14th as most flights leaver very early in the morning. (The cost for meals varies from US$ 5,7 to US$50 per meal.  Most likely you will choose whatever you want from the menu there.

Day 1, Dinner, 9th Oct arrival day.  No meals included on departure day, day 14, 22nd Oct.

The checkout time for the hotel we use is around 12:00pm. In most cases, international flight normally leave Guyana between 3 & 6:00am, which means breakfast will not be available at such time.  If your flight is schedule to leave later, then you will be required to pay for your own means on this day. You can pay either with cash or with a Credit card.

* Alcoholic Drinks

* Excess weight on the internal schedule flight to Lethem

* Extra Activities * Extra transfers *Special gratuities, all phone calls and any other personal item of any nature. *

Tour Leader: Leon Moore



Top Target Birds

Red Siskin, Rufous-winged ground Cuckoo, Guianan Cock-of-the Rock, Blood-coloured Woodpecker, Rufous Crab Hawk, Black Manakin, Harpy Eagle, Sun Parakeet, Painted Parakeet, Gray-winged Trumpeter, Guianan Red-Cotinga, Guianan Toucanet, Capuchinbird, Spotted Antpitta, Ferruginous-backed Antbird, Hoary-throated Spinetail, Rio-branco Antbird, Bearded Tachuri, Green Aracari, Festive Parrot, White-plumed Antbird, White-winged Potoo, Rufous Potoo, Rufous-throated Antbird, Pelzein’s Tody-Tyrant, Red-billed Woodcreeper, Chestnut Woodcreeper, Guianan Puffbird, Guianan Woodcreeper, Olive-green Tyrannulet, Blue-cheeked Parrot, Guianan Schiffornis, Winged banded Antbird, Painted Tody Flycatcher, Crestless Curassow, Orange-breasted Falcon.


Top Wildlife

Giant Anteater, Guianan Red-Howler Monkey, Jaguar, Crab-eating Fox, Giant Otters,  Black Caiman, Giant Anaconda, Black-spider Monkey.



Coastal Mudflats & Mangrove, Rainforest, Savanna, Wetlands, 


Expected Climate


Guyana is generally hot and humid. We can expect all types of weather from warm and hot to cool and rainy at times. Please be prepared for this. On most morning we will be up and out very early to take advantage of the cooler temperature and wildlife activity.



Accommodations are generally simple but comfortable, throughout they are no air-condition at the interior lodges, you should not expect luxury accommodation, the lodges we use range from basic to very good.




Mosquito nets are provided throughout the lodges, you can expect some biting insects like mosquitos, sandflies, chiggers, (noseeams). The risk of catching Malaria is low.


Number of species expected

350-400 species


Tour Pace & Walking

This tour does not require a high level of fitness but participants should be in good general health as some of the birding will be done on foot and may require walking for several hours at times but at (slow pace). Should you have any physical limitation please let us know in advance before you leave your destination.


Photogenic Opportunities


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